I ended up getting another City Girl when Tonner Direct was having their pre-Christmas sale, and I've finally had a chance to get pics of her. This is "Taxi" Billy. I'm so glad I got her! She came to me perfect ... no skin tone mismatch at all. She came with black tights, so I was a little worried there might be staining from the tights, but there wasn't any.
I love their eye screening! (Did I mention that before? LOL.) I do hope they continue with the City Girls line of dolls, because I'd love to see some with side-glancing eyes and closed mouths. It looks like it'd be really easy to paint their mouths so they were closed, without changing the sculpt.
I also got the sparkly aqua "Networking" fashion, shown here on Basic Houston. Good thing I grabbed it while I could, because it's now sold out on the Tonner Direct web site. In fact, I may have gotten the last one, because it was showing as sold out soon after I placed my order.
All right ... I SWEAR I'll stop talking about the City Girls now. LOL. Next time I post, it'll be something unrelated to the City Girls. I know I've been going on and on about them lately. Next post, I'll show you what Santa left in my Christmas stocking. ;) (No ... It's not coal.)
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